Saturday, December 21, 2013

Phil Robertson

No one seems to realize this yet, but Phil Robertson is NOT going away. I'll bet this whole thing was a ploy to get OUT of his contract with A&E! I give the whole thing TWO months, and then he'll appear on Fox News, with a half-hour show on right after Bill O'Reilly. You wait and see!

Now, don't you conservatives feel pretty stupid for defending a multi-millionaire? You SHOULD.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Does He KNOW Yet?

Does Herman Cain know yet that he was being made a fool of by the Republicans back in 2012? Do you think we should tell him? Or should we let him remain blissfully ignorant?

Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Republicans' War On Christmas

I hear Sarah Palin and her henchmen are at it again! They claim liberals are waging an unholy War on Christmas, but I've got PROOF that the only people waging war on Christmas are Republicans right HERE.

Did you know that Scott Walker, one of the GOP's golden-haired boys, is asking parents in Wisconsin to NOT buy gifts for their children, but instead donate money to his re-election campaign?

It's TRUE:

Just for some REALLY good laughs, here're Sarah Palin and Bill O'Reilly's views on the subject, with Jon Stewart calling them out for their stupidity:

Even I find it hard to believe that one of these Republican idiots would stoop so low! When will people LEARN how evil the GOP is? Isn't cutting food stamps for our soldiers and the poor in this once-great nation enough? Isn't refusing to raise the minimum wage to a living wage enough for them? Isn't closing down health-care clinics enough?


Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Can any member of the Tea Party/Republican Party give me honest answers to these questions?

Why do Republicans want to close down health-care clinics for women, denying poor women access to health-care such as mammograms? Why do they want to deny women contraceptives?

Why do they want to suppress black, women, young, Latino, and poor voters?

Why do they want to cut food stamps for the military and the poor?

Why do they want so many Americans to remain unable to support a family by keeping wages so low?

Why are they so dead-set against raising the minimum wage?

Why are they so dead-set against raising taxes on the richest Americans, but happy to raise them on the poor and middle classes?

Why are they so against creating a jobs bill?

Why are they so against creating an alternative to Obamacare?

Why do they do all this when our history shows us that doing the OPPOSITE is good for the country? Where did they get the idea that doing ANY of the above would be good for the country when we can see how much harm it's doing?

If anyone can answer these questions without being snarky, I and many others would truly appreciate it.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Minimum Wage

WHAT is so wrong with earning a living wage? WHAT is wrong with Republicans that they deny minimum wage workers enough to survive? Why don't they want Americans to earn enough to buy products sold in this country?

Now, DON'T think I'm against the minimum wage. SOME jobs SHOULD be minimum wage, but the minimum wage should be a LOT higher than it is! WHY don't Republicans want to raise it when it's been proven that when the lowest paid workers have enough to make purchases, the whole economy thrives? Why do they say raising the minimum wage will cause prices will go up, but prices go up when it's NOT raised?

Can ANYONE answer these questions?

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Batman And Robin Meme

I've seen these things around the Internet for awhile, and used them in my other blog here. I decided to make a few for THIS blog now. :)

That's all we're gonna have for now. I'll be back later! :)

Saturday, November 9, 2013

My Thoughts On The Minimum Wage

There memes barely scratch the surface.

Why are there poor people in the Republican Party? Why would a minimum wage worker VOTE Republican? WHY???

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The GOP And Tea Party Are PRO-Crime!

Yes, you read that RIGHT! The GOP and Tea Party are not only SOFT on crime, they are PRO-CRIME. Here's my proof.

Police officers used to walk beats through city neighborhoods.
Police officers used to ride by two in patrol cars.
There were ENOUGH police officers to do all this with!

The Republicans, in their infinite wisdom, chose to cut taxes so much that we don't have enough police officers to guard our streets. Why don't they raise the taxes on the richest (NOT the middle- and poorer-classes)? Because they want as few police protecting everyone as possible! It's the ONLY explanation!

Someone PLEASE tell me how people like this keep getting elected!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013



Why are there gay Republicans?

Why are there Black Republicans?

Why are there female Republicans?

Why are there poor Republicans?

Are all these people SO filled with self-loathing that they look to the Tea Party and Republicans for ways to destroy themselves? The GOP has not shown itself to be on friendly terms with ANY of the segments of the population that I've listed above, and no one who is in any of the afore-mentioned groups has been able to tell me why they follow the GOP.

The ONLY reason I can think of is that their tax breaks must be HUGE. They must be getting BA-BA-BA-BA-BA-ZABILLIONS in tax breaks! Yeah, THAT'S it!

If YOU know the answer to the questions above, PLEASE tell me! This has been buggin' me fer YEARS, and I haven't been able to figure it out! Sheesh!

I'll be back later with more schtuff! :)

Hello, And A Disclaimer!

My name is Gernot (pronounced "GRR-note"). I'm a happily married Christian liberal (Hi, Naomi!) and I VOTE. If that doesn't blow your mind, that's because you've found a safe haven!

This is MY blog, with MY views. It's NOT to be taken 100% seriously, but if you want to do so, please feel free! Like Rush Limbaugh, I'm primarily an entertainer and much of what you see here will be false. UNLIKE Rush, I eagerly admit this!

All that said, I hope you end up liking and following this blog! :)